The Circles Of Life

The relationship I have created, and continue to nurture, with my world of colour and patterns has presented me the most valuable gift of spending time alone with Self. Either in complete silence or with my favourite cello music in the background. Consumed by the desire to create something beautiful, something unique and meaningful, I not only experience the sensation of deep relaxation, but of the excitement and wonder felt in the creative process. 

My dependable companion throughout the process is serenity. With her support, I discover so much more about myself and my world. Together with Self, I have learnt to listen to their advice. Their wisdom and the incredible power they possess. Gifts they so readily bestow upon me.

The world of mandalas has literally created space in my life for deep-thinking, for reflection and for healing. A powerful resource with which to work through emotions. The answers I seek, at times, are right there beside me. Hidden within the spaces and the designs. Guiding my hand with the utmost care around the corners and in between the tiniest of spaces, I sink into a space of serenity. Being creative and making improvements wherever possible. The mandalas supporting me in my desire to find clarity. To plan the future. If only we followed this process diligently, our journeys through Life would possibly be more peaceful. Never did I think it possible that colouring-in carries such enormous healing potential. Such a simple act with the immense power to restore. 

I liken my mandalas to people. To challenges and opportunities too. Most importantly, to Life in general. Many comparisons exist between these themes. They all contain layer upon layer of intricacies. Of the minutest details begging to be addressed. The final creation reveals that which is beautiful. That which is deserving of appreciation and of love.

At first glance, experiences and simply being human, may at times, seem overwhelming. They have tendencies to be complicated. Requiring hard work. Often making it all appear to be a tumultuous mesh of everything that exists. These factors can frequently make it easier for us to dismiss the thought of delving deeper. 

However, as you look more intensely into the mandala, person or experience, patterns and dimensions appear. Each one revealing their own beauty, complexities and power. Everything falls into place. Piece by piece. Like a jigsaw puzzle. For there is always a plan. We simply don’t know the details or understand the purpose. Therefore, we need to trust. We need to try our best and to be patient. It will all become clear. In time. What unfolds is a perfect scenario. Complex and enticing in its own magnificence.

I simply love the evolving process. I gaze at the empty spaces of the image discovering the various patterns, some of which are well hidden. I carefully choose my colours and slowly begin to add them, through simple touches, to the blank canvas. As one would when building new relationships. As the process develops, more colours are added. Some remain simple. Others lead to more complex combinations. There is a unique beauty within each one of us. Patience is needed to discover the splendour we all possess. The true image will be revealed as time passes. The final product being an embodiment of magnificence and unique character. Until one simply gets lost in a sea of colour. Drowning in its loveliness.

Patterns in life are a necessity. They support the natural flow of everything. They gift us valuable guidelines such as routine, order and security. They bring normality into the madness that can be Life. And have the power to keep us focussed. To keep our eyes on the smallest details. 

Layer upon layer of colours move in circles – upwards and outwards – reaching out. All carrying the same thread. The same message. Forming a band to merge their brilliance and their strength. Creating that which embodies the power of unity. Teaching us how, every tiny detail of Life moves in circles, eventually coming together. Always for the best outcome. Mandalas remind us that there is so much more to anything we ever see, hear or feel. That we need to look deeper. 

As humans, we choose to move in groups of those we love. In circles. People come and go. There are those who are our mentors in this lifetime. We may not like them but will continue meeting in some way or another, until we learn from the lessons they come to teach us. And visa-versa. In life we are all teachers. And all students too. We are permanently in motion as we experience and evolve. For this reason, it is so important to move with the circles of Life. 

There are no ugly colours. Just as with people, each has its purpose. An important role to play in supporting, toning or enhancing. Bringing to life. Colours leave me with an ongoing deep respect for the power they hold. Each one is rich in unseen energies. Creating a perfect kaleidoscope of nature’s treasures. I’ve had fun exploring the colours beyond my limited favourites. I moved out of my box of likes and dislikes. Stepping beyond the norms of the past, remembering my mom being appalled when I chose to wear combinations of red and pink, or blue and green. Or even brown and black.

The power of one tiny dot, made with the tip of a fine marker, literally changes the entire impression of the mandala. It is able to change the emotion we are generating. The message we are extending. One tiny dot can add depth beyond all understanding. The effect can be compared to ripples in a river, which in turn form waves. Resulting in tides. Never-ending and immeasurable. Once again, a semblance of how our lives play out. One tiny deed, whether it be kind or hurtful, has the power to transform a life.

When there are no longer white spaces on the paper, when colours fill the page, the magical circle would have been transformed into a thing of beauty. Deep satisfaction wraps her arms around my soul. Seeing my work complete and to my level of perfection, brings a deep happiness. For I have given my best.

Ingrid finds relaxation, solace and creativity in colouring mandalas. This meditative practice not only serves as a form of relaxation but also reflects her appreciation for intricate beauty and balance.

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  1. The words and the colours, just beautiful 🥰


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