The Eyes Must See It


The eyes must see it for the heart to feel it 

                                                                                                                               -  Richard Pape 

Whilst perched upon the satin-covered seat, the old-gold tassels clung to the borders of the canvas roof and danced to the gentle swaying movement caused by the skirting of  numerous potholes splattered across the road. The air was heavy with the brutal heat. Perspiration poured off my body. My clothes were soaked. Any signs of make-up had slithered off my face. 

I contemplated the day from my tuk-tuk.

As we bumbled along further afield, the wide-open spaces greeted me. The familiar Toddy Palms stood tall and graceful, bringing their unique style to the Cambodian landscape. Their presence forming the signature image of The Kingdom of Wonder. 

I was overcome by anxiety. The decision of the day needed to be made. Turmoil travelled beside me on that satin seat. Back and forth my mind went. A myriad of excuses and thoughts played havoc within my mind. I was worn out physically and hurt emotionally by senseless, empty relationships, I had nurtured for so long. Relationships of every kind which had only served to sap my time, my energy and my love. After each encounter, I was left feeling empty. Depleted of life force. Exhausted from listening to the woes of others at length. From giving too much. From endless nurturing. From ceaseless worrying.

One of the hardest decisions for me is that of letting go.  An act, at times, far more painful than hanging on. I needed to learn one of life’s greatest lessons.  Anything, any place or anyone that brought me down or negatively affected the state of my wellbeing needed to be released. We have been deeply conditioned by society to continue the narrow, well-trodden path. The path that brings security. The sensible path. The path deemed necessary to bring peace and success. In whatever form that may take. 

Realising that I no longer needed to remain on the prescribed path, I was overcome by a sense of freedom. I no longer needed to be there, for everyone, all the time. In order for us to be our best version of ourselves, we need to put Self  first. Thereafter, we find ourselves in a position to be strong, understanding and empathetic. Able to be the friend and the loved one.


The natural beauty which encircled me that day, not only presented me with a vision with which to cherish through my eyes. In its own sacred way, it gifted me the sensation of what freedom truly feels like. I not only saw it. I felt it.

The power and sheer magnitude of those clouds somehow infiltrated my being. I felt all things were possible. We are but small beings in the big picture, but the power exists within each one of us to make big dreams a reality.

I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things and people not meant for me


                                                                                                 -  A.G. @ Warrior Goddess Training 


  1. WOW, you go girl! Take heed from Marie Condo...If it does spark joy, then remove it from your life. Beautiful, heartfelt writing.


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