
We need to immerse ourselves in a bath of peace

                                                                                     Brandon Bays

The value of solitude is grossly underestimated. There are those who are afraid to be alone. Afraid of encountering themselves. Afraid of what solitude may reveal.

I wish to share a remedy – personally tried and tested – that has become an integral part of my life. 

To survive a crisis we need to move through it. There is no other way. For if we choose to ignore it, it will continue to haunt us. To create havoc within our lives. The tough process requires making time for solitude. For stillness. The time to just be. This is vital. We owe that to ourselves.

Gather up your issues, pain and sorrow in your arms and take them for a long walk. There is no guarantee that the load will be less on your return. But you may well have a deeper understanding of the source from whence your pain and trauma come.

Embrace the silence. Listen to your inner voice. Clarity will find her way into your thoughts.  Insight, as to how to work things out, will filter through. Acceptance of the situation will fill your mind with the peace it craves.  If only for a short period. Long enough though to allow the healing to begin. 

Creating space and time for solitude establishes the platform on which transformation can begin. Sharing quiet time with Self is not only a cherished gift, one only you can offer, but it provides essential healing for you. This process is beneficial to all those you love. We cannot love and understand others without loving and knowing ourselves.

Those quiet moments with Self provide valuable lessons wherein you learn to be compassionate towards yourself. The time alone allows you to harness the discontent. To truly take a deep look at it. From all angles. An understanding of the unhappiness will gently unfold. Presenting the opportunity to realise that there are answers to be found. Within our own infinite minds. 

We do need to be kind towards ourselves. To know our worth. I often have a day for replenishing myself. For protecting my precious, personal time. This may require staying in my pyjamas all day long. Doing nothing, other than sipping coffee and staring out the window for ages, at nothing at all. The source of ourselves requires refilling from time to time.

During your long walk with Self, you will be guided and supported by the unseen. We are never alone. Energies and love are always beside us. We need to accept that. We need to step right in and surrender to the flow that is Life.

I wish you all love, healing and happiness.


  1. Hello Ingrid, I follow your wise words from France, through a connection with one of your daughters, Debbie-Lee (who's beautiful energy so matches yours). I truly love reading your missives and find such truth and comfort each time. THANK YOU!

    1. Thank you for your kind words Magali. They mean the world to me.


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