Taking The Plunge ...

I often look at this photo. At times, it brings tears to my eyes. Overwhelms me with sadness. Mostly it puts the biggest smile on my lips. I feel so much love for those two little girls. Ingrid and Karen. I step back from time to time. To reflect. I feel immense pride in what they have achieved throughout Life.

Two little girls. Ready to travel. Clutching dolls. With maps in hand.

If we had only known then what we know now. But then nobody has that precious insight. How different would this journey of ours have been. Or not. No matter what, walking the road with you has been a privilege. We have and continue to be one another’s teachers. One another’s systems of support.

The time has come for us to stand in our splendour. With no fear. And no hesitation. To look back and undeniably know that we gave our best. Always.

There is no time for regrets. For guilt or for endless doubts. Sadness will remain our companion for many moons to come. However, our energy is to be guided into our future. To carry us on winds that blow elsewhere. We have the power within ourselves to make changes. No matter how small and insignificant they may seem. They can and will bring richness and serenity. To us and those we love so deeply.

We never knew how strong we were until being strong was the only choice we had. That point has been reached. We grabbed it between our fingers. We held on tight. Painful and traumatic it was. Time has gently wrapped his arms around us. Guiding us through each step of the journey. Offering us deeper understanding and acceptance of that which is.

We now need to recognise the silent battles within, those we have both so fiercely fought. The courage we showed. The tears we shed. We did it all so well.

We have what it takes to move forward without even knowing our destination. We have the guts. We have the Spirit. We hold the courage to lose sight of the shore. To step into the unknown. For we are not alone. Not ever.

Come on sister. We can do this. We can take the plunge. We can be big girls for mom.



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