A Note to Mom


To the world you were the pilot. The adventurer. The legend. To our family you were mom, grandma, ouma and gigi. You not only shared with us your philosophy of Life, but you guided us as to how to apply it to everything we experience each and every day.

Mom you were a perfectionist. A true pilot, you loved to plot the numerous flightpaths of Life. Always carrying out your vital actions with immense concentration and attention to details.

You are the strength in the branches of trees. The force behind the wind. You are the intensity within each thunderstorm. I see you in every cloud that skirts across the summer skies. The rainbows bring you closer. 

I see your magnificent smile at any given moment. Your wicked sense of humour filters through the toughest days. The twinkling of your blue eyes watches over me. Your perfect logic keeps me on track. Your wisdom guides me through the process of endless decision-making.

You are the gentle sunshine each morning as I sip my first coffee of the day. Each raindrop is filled with your essence. Your love. Your presence. You are the shimmering glow of the full moon as she shares her light with a weary world. Your calmness slows the erratic pace of Life I know so well. I feel you everywhere. 

At times  I feel the pain is going to crush me. Break me. But it won’t. For you Mom, you taught me the meaning of strength. It is you who gave me the skills to survive. To continue. You showed us how it is done. 

I will move forward. My broken heart will heal. For I know you walk beside me. You hold my hand and the hands of Karen, Debbie, Chantal, Tarryn and little Abby too. You will always remain our guiding light. You will always be the warmth and love in our hearts.

I walk on now. Proud to be your daughter.


  1. Lovely bit of writing there Ingrid. Captures so much of her. She's raised a family of extremely capable and strong women, you are all a credit to her memory.

  2. A wonderful note written Ingrid! As I'm sure your mom is flying high and still watches over her girls xx

  3. Beautiful Ingrid.
    If only we could see our woman warriors that walk with us that have past.....what strength, power and love that would give us in everything we do. But feeling them there is enough. Much love to you. Xxx

  4. Ing, thank you for putting these words on paper. I miss her everyday.


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